Frequently Asked Questions
Public awareness workshops on three new financial laws:
- the financial administration act 2003, act (654),
- internal audit agency act 2003, act (658), and
- public procurement act 2003, (act 663)
Will the A-Gs representative on the procurement boards of statutory independent organizations be an infringement on their independence?
No it will not be infringements on their independence
Can entity replace the representative of the A-Gs department with their own legal officers on the tender boards?
No, according to the law, it can’t replace AG representatives
Can an entity go ahead with their procurement once the A-Gs representative fails to attend a meeting?
Yes, if only they form a quorum. But the AGs representative must be well informed before the meeting
Can the few MPs in Greater Accra Region be represented on the several ETCs in the Region?
Some of the MPs from other regions will be added to the ones in Accra
Which of the three laws Finical Administration Act, Public Procurement Act and Internal Audit Agency Act takes premium over the other?
None of the laws supersedes the other, they are addressing different issues altogether.
Does the new law go with the composite budget?
Yes, it goes with a composite budget.
Can members of the Tender Committee also be the same member for the entity Tender Committee?
According to the law, no
Who prepares the procurement plan?
The head of the procurement unit or any other person as may be directed by the Head of the Agency
In determining the Government assets, how should you go about it, if say a vehicle was old and as a director you are about to go on retirement and you ask for the sale of the vehicle?
Refer Public Procurement Act (section 83 and 84)