Annual Assessment Of Procurement Activities

 In accordance with Sections 3 (d) and (h) of the Public Procurement Act 2003 as amended, the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has begun an exercise to collect data on the procurement activities undertaken by the underlisted entities for 2021, 2022 and 2023. The underlisted entities are hereby notified that they shall be visited by Teams […]


ALL PROCUREMENT ENTITIES ALL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS   NOTICE is hereby given to all Procurement Entities and the general public, that pursuant to Section 22A of Act 663 as amended, the Company name below has been suspended and blacklisted from participating in any government project or tender in the Republic of Ghana, as follows:- Company: Markyei[…..]

Advertiser’s Announcements

The Public Procurement Authority wishes to bring to the attention of Procurement Entities (PEs) the following important announcements: Advertisement of tender notices Pursuant to section 47(4) of the Public Procurement Act,2003(Act 663) as amended, all Procurement Entities are required to advertise their tender notices on the website of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA). This is[…..]

New Year Message from the AG. CEO of PPA

It’s the beginning of a New Year (2021) and I would like to say Happy New Year to all our stakeholders and the general public. 2020 was a tough year globally as the world was hit with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses, Organizations, and Governments had to quickly adapt and navigate through these challenging times to[…..]


The Public Procurement Authority (PPA), wishes to bring to the attention of the general public the operations of some unscrupulous persons under the guise of:   The Tender Board, Office of the Presidency, Republic of Ghana –   Ghana Procurement Service –   Purporting to have been set up by the Government of Ghana, to[…..]

Guidelines to Public Entities on the conduct of procurement during the shutdown period as a result of COVID-19

31st March, 2020 The Public Procurement Authority pursuant to its mandate under Section 3 of the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) as amended by the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act 914), and mindful of its oversight responsibilities as the Regulator of Public Procurement in Ghana, hereby provides the following guidelines to aid in[…..]

Statement by the Board of the Public Procurement Authority

Following the documentary by freelance journalist Manasseh Awuni Azure, titled “Selling of Government Contracts” which aired in the evening of Wednesday 21st August 2019 on Joy News and subsequently on other television and radio stations nationwide, the Governing Board of the PPA has issued a Statement. PLEASE FIND HERE: