Public Procurement Experts and Practitioners from almost all forty-five nations in Africa as well as representatives from development agencies like the World Bank, Africa Development Bank and others, are gathered at the capital city of Togo, West Africa for the creation of the much awaited Network of African Experts and Practitioners.
As a follow-up to the Johannesburg Accord made in April, 2017, participants are of the view that the formation of this network will encourage the harmonization and effective implementation of methodologies of public procurement practises across the continent for possible adaption of our country/regional public procurement systems by our development partners. Ultimately, it is expected that this Network will promote best practises in the area of Electronic and Sustainable Public Procurement as well as the mainstreaming of Public Private Partnerships as a business model to promote our development agenda.
This three-day programme will adopt the Articles of Association and develop modalities for their operations.
Source: Public Procurement Authority