Following the documentary by freelance journalist Manasseh Awuni Azure, titled “Selling of Government Contracts” which aired in the evening of Wednesday 21st August 2019 on Joy News and subsequently on other television and radio stations nationwide, the Governing Board of the PPA has issued a Statement. PLEASE FIND HERE:
The Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has announced the introduction of a comprehensive Certification and Licencing Programme for all Public Procurement Practitioners in Ghana. This was made known at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PPA and Commerce Edge held on Friday, 15th February 2019 at the Africa Regency Hotel, Accra. Mr. AB[…..]
The Chief Executive of the Public Procurement Authority, Mr. AB Adjei was conferred an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM), Ghana at a colourful ceremony held on Thursday, 24th January 2019 at the Marriot Hotel, Airport-City in Accra. This honorary award is in recognition of Mr. Adjei’s distinguished leadership and[…..]
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) Mr AB Adjei has been elected as an Executive Member of the African Public Procurement Network. Mr AB Adjei was elected to represent the West African Block on the Executive Committee to promote best practices in the area of Electronic and Sustainable Public Procurement[…..]