Frequently Asked Questions

Procurement FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Tender FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Public awareness workshops on three new financial laws:

  • the financial administration act 2003, act (654),
  • internal audit agency act 2003, act (658), and
  • public procurement act 2003, (act 663)

Since the function of the PPB is to help the local industry grow, then why should you advice internationally?

PPB is not just advising internationally buy one when the contract falls under international competitive tender where most of the local industries cannot deliver to expectation

In case where after preparing the procurement plan and during the mid of the year, is it possible to add or insert something new other than the list of item to procure during the year?

The procurement plan is always open to review but you have to submit every review always, especially quarterly or semi-annually to the Review Board and to the PPB.

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