Frequently Asked Questions

Public awareness workshops on three new financial laws:

  • the financial administration act 2003, act (654),
  • internal audit agency act 2003, act (658), and
  • public procurement act 2003, (act 663)

You made mention of PPB it is a new establishment?

Yes, it is a new establishment in place to oversee public procurement

In a case where a tenders’ motive is to win a contract, decided to bring the price lower to win, and after winning the work he or she could not deliver satisfactorily?

If a contract is not satisfactorily then it will not be accepted. So you don’t have to look at lowest price only.

Is there the need to review contract process?

Contract process may be reviewed when the need arises but in accordance with the law.

Is there any penalty for the MDAs and MMDAs from the non-compliance of the setting up the Tender Committees as stipulated?

Yes, the minimum penalty is a fine not exceeding 1000 penalty unit or a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years or both (section 92, of the ACT)

Since the Act didn’t categorically mention of the conflict of interest and a director is interested in the award of a contract what should you do as the head?

Only the ETC can award a contract, according to the law, the Director has no power whatsoever to award a contract unless the amount is within his/her threshold.

Since the function of the PPB is to help the local industry grow, then why should you advice internationally?

PPB is not just advising internationally buy one when the contract falls under international competitive tender where most of the local industries cannot deliver to expectation

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