PPA Publications
These Guidelines are designed to assist Procurement Entities to dispose of their surplus goods in an efficient, consistent, equitable and accountable manner. The Guidelines provide practical information on how to manage the disposal process and select the most appropriate disposal option.
PPB STD Document | 15/03/2010
This Standard Tender Evaluation Format for Selection of Consultants has been prepared for use by Procurement Entities in the application of the evaluation criteria in the Request for Proposal process.
PPB STD Document | 15/03/2010
This Standard Tender Evaluation Format has been prepared for use by Procurement Entities in the evaluation of Tenders procured through International Competitive Tendering (ICT), as well as through Limited International Tendering (LIT). It should also prove useful, with appropriate modifications, for evaluation under National Competitive Tendering (NCT) procedures. The procedures and practices they convey have been developed through international experience.