Frequently Asked Questions
Procurement FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Tender FAQs
Where can a Supplier, Contractor or Consultant acquire the tender documents?
Tenderers willing to participate in the tendering process can purchase the tender document from the Entity at a reasonable price.
Frequently Asked Questions
Public awareness workshops on three new financial laws:
- the financial administration act 2003, act (654),
- internal audit agency act 2003, act (658), and
- public procurement act 2003, (act 663)
Are the SOEs bound by company’s code to operate under the law?
No, they are not bound by the company’s code to operate under the law because this is a new law and it was not taken care of in the company’s code, but if the SOEs are using GOG funds, then they are bound to operate under the law
Suppose a car is involved in an accident, how do you repair it when it has not been budgeted for?
A supplementary budget should be presented to cover the expenses of the repairs
Assuming we are to buy two tyres for our department are we to go by the procurement process?
Yes, but you can request for the use of restricted tendering.
What other training opportunities are available to public apart from the ongoing workshops?
In house training by facilitators at the request of any Entity. But not at a cost to the Board.