Annual Assessment Of Procurement Activities

 In accordance with Sections 3 (d) and (h) of the Public Procurement Act 2003 as amended, the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has begun an exercise to collect data on the procurement activities undertaken by the underlisted entities for 2021, 2022 and 2023. The underlisted entities are hereby notified that they shall be visited by Teams […]

Public Procurement Authority’s Clarification: The Dark Side of The World Bank’s ‘Giveaways’ in Ghana by Bright Simons

The Attention of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has been drawn to an opinion article on the website of the African Report with title  “Opinion: The dark side of the World Bank’s ‘giveaways’ in Ghana”, posted on the 19th of April 2024 and can be accessed via the following link,, which is authored by[…..]

Mandatory use of GHANEPS for all Government Procurement

1. Reference is made to the directive by the Minister of Finance, dated 31st August 2023, with subject “IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANCTIONS REGIME IN RESPECT OF NONCOMPLIANCE WITH PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS – ARREARS CLEARANCE AND PREVENTION STRATEGY”, with refence number MOF/LD/SLCAOA/20.7/23, and with particular reference to Point 7. The Public Procurement Authority would like[…..]


ALL PROCUREMENT ENTITIES ALL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS   NOTICE is hereby given to all Procurement Entities and the general public, that pursuant to Section 22A of Act 663 as amended, the Company name below has been suspended and blacklisted from participating in any government project or tender in the Republic of Ghana, as follows:- Company: Markyei[…..]